Hi, my name is Anna. And I’m Ben. And we just wanna share a little bit about our experience with Sophie’s Blue Sky Amazon course. we are young and engaged and getting married this June and something else that’s a little bit wild that we’re throwing in the mix is after we get married, we’re actually moving across the country to start school. So we were looking for creative ways to really be able to finance our new adventure in life, but also just being able to enjoy being young, being newly married and all the fun that goes with that. So with this course, it allows you to be really flexible in how you construct your finances and really be able to support yourself and also just really creative ’cause you can come up with various ideas as well.

I really liked the course and I would encourage it for anybody who’s looking for something organized, needing that extra structure, and just the guidance because you actually get to participate in a community on Facebook. Which is really encouraging, really helpful and supportive with any questions that you might have. And this is the kind of job where you can also have the flexibility and the stability at the same time. Where you don’t feel like you’re tied down. So yeah, it works out. (laughs) It’s great. And we are just really excited to see where this journey will take us and really encourage you to check it out (laughs). Sorry, we actually had made another video and it just made it really made us laugh, but we just want to share really you can have so much fun with this. And it’s really brought us even closer together as a couple and being able to set everything up. And which just makes us even more excited to be married, even more excited to be able to live life and to be able to live large. So Best wishes and definitely recommend checking out. Bye. Bye.