Hi, my name’s Linda. I joined Sophie’s course in December 2019. I had been looking for a year to join the course, and I did do a weekend workshop just before I joined Sophie’s and found that the people that were running it were all about the money, and not really about looking after the people and getting them through the course, so I asked for my money back, I joined Sophie’s, I have been absolutely delighted. Sophie gives you every aspect that you can imagine, and any questions that you have can be answered in the course. I love the fact that they’re webinars, because when you are interrupted, you can pause them, and then come back to them. You can do them at your own speed, you can be as leisurely in doing the course, or you can be as quick as you want.

The other brilliant thing is that Sophie has the coaching, and the coaching is simply amazing. I have the best coach, she is formidable, and she is positive, and my last coaching session, she said we will get you through this together, and that’s what I like. My learning is slow, and I go over things many times, but once I retain it, that’s it. I found that the course is full of information, there isn’t anything that you can’t get in the course, which is absolutely exactly what you need. And I love the fact that Sophie says it’s not a walk in the park, it’s going to be gritty, you have to dig deep, but if you’re committed, and you’re going to put the work in, you will succeed, and that’s what we’re here for, to succeed. The other great thing about Sophie’s course is it’s one of the most affordable on the market, and I am delighted, and she’ll let you pay it off in installments. Thank you Sophie, you’ve made me very happy, look forward to being a winner.